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26 January 2024   

10th Edition Ship Inspection Report (SIR) will be launched and go live on the 5th February 2024

Further to earlier CDI announcements in August and November 2023 - CDI reminds all stakeholders that the new and expanded 10th edition Ship Inspection Report (SIR) will go live on the 5th February 2024.

At the request of CDI Chemical companies CDI-Marine has expanded its vessel type inspection scope to also include LNG, Product and Dry Bulk, in addition to the current Chemical and LPG inspections. This is to ensure that CDI's marine inspection scope covers the entire bulk chemical global supply chain.

The 10th Edition SIR is produced in a single core questionnaire for all vessel types: with separate vessel specific questionnaires for each vessel type i.e. all chapters in the 10th Edition SIR are generic to all vessel types, except chapter 5 which includes 5 different designated chapter 5's for the 5 different specific vessel types. Consequently, the following vessel types will exist in CDI-Marine:
  • Chemical Tanker
  • LPG Tanker
  • LNG Tanker
  • Product Tanker
  • Dry Bulk Carrier
  • Combination
  1. CDI also draws attention to the clarifications in Notes 1, 2 and 3 as explained in the attached reminder.

  2. CDI also reminds you of the expansion of the 10th edition SIR and the additional vessel type inspections available (i.e. Dry Bulk, Product anker and LNG Tankers) available to ensure the entire bulk chemical supply chain is captured by CDI Marine.

  3. We kindly request that you cascade this information to your peers within your company who should be aware of this information.
Full details are available "HERE"

General Manager