Inspection Process


Comprehensive questionnaires used for CDI inspections are the responsibility of the Technical Committees. The questionnaires satisfy the information requirements of the chemical company participants for their risk assessment process and for ship owners, bulk storage terminals and supply chain companies to obtain an independent objective report on compliance with regulatory and industry standards.

  • Format and content arranged to provide detailed status of management and operational standards.
  • Guidance notes for use by inspectors, ship and shore personnel, and report users to ensure common understanding of inspection data.
  • Phrasing of questions so that response can only be Yes/ No/ Not Applicable to enable rapid and simple report analysis.
  • Information questions defining physical characteristics of the ship or site.

Inspection Reports

Inspection reports do not attempt to "pass or fail", but rather to give an assessment of compliance at the time of the inspection as measured against internationally accepted standards. There are no regional variations of CDI questionnaires; they provide globally consistent data for application in the methodology of risk assessment.

All CDI inspection questionnaires are available from the download page.


Inspectors are independent professionals accredited by CDI. All inspectors hold Class I marine certificates or equivalent academic qualifications for the industry sector. Additionally, the individuals are experienced in the activities and working practices of the particular supply chain.

Having met the academic qualifications and experience levels, inspector candidates are trained by the CDI training establishments to ensure that: inspection procedures are correctly applied, questionnaires are fully understood, inspections are conducted in a uniform way and that inspection data is consistent.

To confirm understanding and corroborate knowledge and experience, candidates for accreditation must pass written and oral examinations at the conclusion of training. All inspection reports are monitored to ensure performance standards are maintained and inspectors must attend periodic refresher training to retain their accreditation.

Inspector Accreditation

Accreditation is the responsibility of the Accreditation Committees and the accreditation remains the property of CDI and can be revoked at any time

Inspector Accreditation Packages are available from the download page.

Inspection Procedures

The process for inspection differs slightly between each scheme.

  • CDI-M Ship Inspections can only be secured through the CDI Marine Inspection Department.
  • CDI-T Terminal Inspections can be arranged directly with the terminal inspectors.

Inspection Procedures for each scheme are available from the download page.